Palo Alto ViziLite Plus Oral cancer Screening - Palo Alto ViziLite Dentist Armit Singh, DDS
Oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases when it's caught early. That's why the ViziLite Plus exam has been developed. ViziLite Plus uses technology that has proven successful in identifying soft tissue abnormalities in other areas of the body. A ViziLite Plus exam is particularly important if you are at increased risk for developing oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam can help your dentist or hygienist identify abnormal tissue, that might develop into oral cancer.
As with most serious diseases, early detection is the key to successful outcomes. Unfortunately, the problem with oral cancer is that approximately 70% of the time it is not visible to the dental professional until it has reached an advanced stage. ViziLite Plus technology assists your dental professional in seeing abnormal tissue in the mouth, before it is plainly obvious.
An annual ViziLite Plus exam, in combination with a regular visual examination, provides a comprehensive oral screening procedure for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam is painless and fast, and could help save your life.
How ViziLite Plus Works
ViziLite Plus is performed immediately following a regular visual examination.
- First, you will be instructed to rinse with a cleansing solution.
- Next, the overhead lighting will be dimmed.
- Then, your dental professional will examine your mouth using ViziLite Plus, a specially designed light technology.
As ViziLite Plus passes over oral tissue that has been treated with the rinse solution, normal healthy tissue will absorb the light and appear dark, abnormal tissue will appear white. The purpose of using ViziLite Plus is to identify tissue changes at their earliest stage; once abnormal tissue has been identified it is up to your dental professional to determine what the appropriate next steps are.
Who should have a ViziLite Plus exam?
The American Cancer Society recommends that patients have a complete soft tissue examination (standard visual exam) at least once a year. ViziLite Plus is used as part of an annual oral screening for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. Your dental professional may recommend a ViziLite Plus examination more frequently depending on your individual risk factors.
Oral Cancer Risk by Patient Profile:
Increased Risk:
Patients age 18-39 with no lifestyle risk factors
High Risk:
Patients age 40 and older with no risk factors OR patients age 18-39 with lifestyle risk factors
Highest Risk:
Patients age 40 and older with lifestyle risk factors or patients with a history of oral cancer
Risk Factors:
Lifestyle risk factors for oral cancer include:
Tobacco use (any type, any age, within 10 years)
Alcohol consumption of at least 1 drink per day (3 ounces of hard liquor, 4 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer)
Other risk factors:
Immune deficiencies such as HIV & AIDS
Human Papilloma Virus, particularly HPV 16/18